Lenovo ovládlo počítače, teď chce i servery

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29. 01. 2013 11:17

Omlouvám se, že si tu tak ventiluji zlost, ale vůbec nechápu, jak může být Lenovo tak populární - s jejich servisem a po zkušenosti co mám já a další tisíce zákazníků.Bohužel jsem si od nich koupil nefunkční notebook z evidentně vadné série (neužitelná wifi u U410, U310) tak, jako další tisíce zákazníků a Lenovo to naprosto neřeší, viz http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/IdeaPad-Y-U-V-Z-and-P-... ... Jedná se o vlákno na Lenovo fóru, kde si stěžují zoufalí majitelé... 70 stránek mi přijde už opravdu hodně, ale to co tam popisují je teprve něco, jeden za všechny: Hi all,I tried to send my u310 back for the known wifi issue.
after 4 weeks i got a message it has arrived at my resellers shop
They told to the reseller they changed the defective parts (=wifi adapter). Before sending it back I placed some sticker all over the laptop and I noted down the mac address.
I've place the stickers (transparent tape) such a way they have to remove it to be able to open the notebook.
Also in the event log I kept the last login date and noted it down. When I got my notebook back I noticed the following:- fysiek address (mac) did not change = so wifi card not replaced
- stickers and plastic packaging untouched = so laptop not opend
- last login event = not changed conclusion they didn't even touched the device nor did they took a look at it.My reseller only accept refunding when device have been send back after 3 times.but my girlfriend needs it right now and we are thinking about to buy a nano usb wifi adapter from EDUPPS: this is a belgium device (europe) and the support tech center is in holland which is the same tech center for medion so maybe that's the reason.I will be filing a complain to lenovo together with my lawyer next week.I'm deeply chocked how lenovo went from a top business computer branch to a very bad and amateuristic consumer company !

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